Random two from the random ten

"Kicked Out Of The Webelos"---The Queers
And one of the random ten from an album I dig a lot.
"Gotta Go"---Victor Scott
Labels: mp3, queers, victor scott
Music blog for Pandagonians.
Labels: mp3, queers, victor scott
The guitar licks on the Queers remind me just a little of Bad Religion.
I guess it's nearly impossible for a punk band to sound new and original anymore, but 'Kicked out of the webelos' seems particular cliched. Good party playlist song though.
'Gotta go' is a good one though. I need new stuff for my iPod. I'm getting sick the crap that's on there now (and make no mistake, a lot of it is truly crap), and this one qualifies.
There. I've rendered my judgement ;)
*snuffle* I love the Queers.
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